Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve and...

WE HAVE A TOOTH!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so the picture's a little blurry (ever tried taking the picture of a tiny little tooth? It's hard!) but Tristan's first tooth has finally arrived :-) It's the lower right central incisor - left one will soon follow I think!

On other less exciting news, Tristan tried out his new toy from Santa and loved it:

We're going to Cheryl's (a friend from Marcy's dojo) to celebrate New Year's with a bunch of Karate friends - we're bringing gingerbread cookies which if we can, will be nicely decorated... on that note, Happy New Year's everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy in 2007!

Oh, for Kevin - here's the beaver boy - he's outgrowing this suit, so this may be the last time he wears it :-(

All our love,

Marcy, Will & Tristan

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Hi Everyone!
So we've started a blog... just now realized how many family and friends we have outside the city who don't get to see Tristan, and now that Tristan's Grandma Brenda will be spending two months (!!!) in Florida, we decided this is a pretty handy way of keeping everyone updated (aka: get cute pics of Tristan) on what's going on in our corner of the woods, especially since Tristan's growing so fast! ... and as a sweet intro shot, here's the baby of the hour, our sweet Tristan :-)
Marcy, Will & Tristan

ps - for those who don't know, Tristan's been teething for about a month now. No teeth yet, but I think they might come any day now!