Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Abuelito!

Boy what a very good weekend!
First let me say that I was going to put the picture above at the end (best for last), but I decided it was just to good to wait for! I think this is my favourite picture of two of the most important men in my life :-)
Sunday night we went to a Portuguese restaurant to celebrate my dad's (and Tristan's super-awesome Abuelo!) birthday... and Tristan finally (he's been trying for quite a while) got to try that funky toy that his cousin Mary's always totting about with. He wasn't sure what the big deal with it was...

but Mary was understandably not amused (especially since he had nothing she could take!) and with one look asked me very politely to keep that boy away from her soother!
Last night we went over to my parent's house for a small birthday dinner/hang out. His favourite snack: His Abuelito's head!

And surprisingly enough, he still used his teeth! (apparently a "funny" sensation on the head...I'm using "funny" anyways!)

He is loving to 'walk' around, and did a tour of the main floor with his Abuelita last night

All in all a very good evening last night, considering that it's looking like Tristan might have a touch of the sniffles... he got very stuffy/runny nosed as of Sunday night (he barely slept and he's not used to that anymore so looked very tired all day yesterday!) and last night (after we got home) we noticed that he was sounding a little hoarse (probably from all the screaming over getting his nose cleaned) but last night we cranked the humidifier with some Vicks, and he's not stuffy nosed, but still a little hoarse when he talks...

Oh! On the food front, Tristan tried chicken (mixed with carrots) for the first time this weekend! He's officially an omnivore! His review: "It's not great, but not bad. Mommy makes a pretty good chicken soup compared to the jar stuff. I like it when she mixes my pears in it too"
We're not quite sure if his body's liking it though, so we're going to wait for a bit before he tries some again...

Oh!!! I forgot!!! Tristan is officially CRAWLING!!! Backwards, but crawling none the less! Official date: March 22nd - we were over at a play date with his buddy Nathan, and he started crawling away from a toy, and has been going at it ever since! He likes to crawl away from his diaper, off the play mat (makes it easier to play with the dogs since they're not allowed on the mat) but he's not quite sure how to make his bum go forward! Yipee!

Happy March showers everyone!

Marcy, Will & Tristan

Friday, March 23, 2007

Have you...

Checked out our links?!

Take a peek!

Happy Friday everyone!
Marcy, Will and Tristan

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


It's been almost a month! (According to my computer, I still have 44 minutes left...)
Sorry everyone, we've been incredibly busy! Babies get busier the older they get!
What have we been up to? Well, Tristan's become a food connoisseur (we're waiting for his food critique articles to get published in the Ottawa citizen any day now), a vice president of a company, male model, inspirational speaker, part time beaver/carpenter and an animal trainer... he's got a very busy schedule! We're just lucky we're VIPs in his life!
So right of the bat, Tristan's been introduced to food. Right now he eats rice cereal, barley cereal, oatmeal cereal (which does not look like oatmeal. More like pureed oatmeal), as well as carrots, pears, bananas, and avocados (which he loves! He's such a Mexican)
Here's a little clip of his first meal ever (rice cereal)

And here's our cutie after feasting on avocado:

One of the funny things Tristan likes to do while eating (I think when he gets bored and you're not feeding him fast enough) is try out other things to clamp on with his mouth... he likes to hang on to the spoon (just in case you're trying to withhold some food we think), his bib, and also this:

Teeth update: we're up to four!!! What I love about the top teeth is that even when they were small, they were still so easy to photograph whenever he smiled, which, lucky for us, is very often!Here are a few more pictures of his cutie smiles... they just make your day don't they?

Staying on the pictures topic, we decided to be a little vain and enter Tristan in the cutest baby contest from the A Channel (where uncle Ryan works) and Capital Parent magazine. Apparently they're supposed to randomly pick 50 pictures from the ones submitted, and make their selection from there, so who knows what will happen (random selection can suck!) but I challenge anyone to tell me this is not the cutest, sweetest baby ever:

That's the picture we submitted... of course, this picture doesn't do him justice, but I'm totally an amateur with this baby photography thing, so I won't be surprised if we don't win... here are a few of the runner up pictures in our selection of which ones to send (the picture for the contest also had to be less than 30 days old, which had us on a scramble)

Tristan's also been busy making some incredibly beautiful speeches (and his grammar, in both Spanish and English is superb) - here are his first words!!!! (and if you need deciphering, he's saying MAMA, BABA and WAWA. We think he might be trying to call Will by his first name. That or barking at the dogs. Either way, we're trying to say DADA more often around the house)

He's also taken after his Abuelito Pablo and has begun dabbling in basic carpentry. His first project is wittling (or widdling? I'm not too familiar with the carpentry lingo) down the bars in his crib - they're so close together, there's no way for him to sneak out! Unfortunately this was done without our permission, so we're not giving him his allowance this week...

We realized we don't often take pictures of Tristan and his doggies (we're too busy saying silly things like "Don't eat his fur! Gentle with the puppy! Good boy *insert dog name* for letting Tristan not be gentle! No! Don't stick your hand there!" and so on... but we finally got some shots.
This is Tristan and Copper discussing what the next word he says should be. Copper also thinks that it's better for him to lick his own paw, but that Rocky would love to have a chat with Tristan about the current situation in Iraq...

Naturally, Rocky didn't want to talk about Iraq. He knows Bush is an idiot, and the rest he gets too upset to talk about. Sneaky Copper just didn't want to loose his paw fur...
Here's the world's most amazing dog, Rocky. Does not even flinch when Tristan tries really hard to get to his nose (to eat if of course), and gives him a partial facelift in the process (this is usually the part where we're begging Tristan to be gentle!)

And here's the only way we can photograph Watson near Tristan - when Watson's chewing on his bone, the whole world dissapears, including babies who like to try to eat everything! In Tristan's defence, he's never hurt Watson, but Watson's always been afraid of getting hurt (or maybe getting in trouble for being too close to him? Who knows) so he'll usually go up to Tristan with his ears back, sniff him, lick him quick, and bolt the other way. He's a beagle and a big chicken. Shocking. Because it's hard to tell from just a picture, Tristan here was trying to figure out how to train Watson to carry him like a pony (we told him he'd have an easier time teaching him to plow like an ox, but he wasn't sure what an ox was)

And because this is a family blog (and not just Tristan, although our world does revolve around him), we thought we'd include the funniest picture of Watson...

So even though Tristan's so busy that he has no time to even fix the bed-head before a photo-op......we're so happy he still has time to share a giggle with mommy and daddy (the lucky VIPs in his life):

Well, it's past midnight now, but we finally got this thing updated! Sorry about the length! For those of you who know me (the Mommy's typing while Daddy and Tristan sleep) you know I like to ramble on and on... doesn't matter if I'm typing or talking!

Goodnight to all, and we promise to update more frequently (and therefore have briefer updates!)


Marcy, Will & Tristan