Tuesday, January 30, 2007

3rd post of the day!

Well, when I gotta blog, I gotta blog...

Tristan loves his feet. Loves them even more when we're changing his diaper, so in order for him to enjoy them, we now give him some diaper-free time so he can play with them... here's a little preview:

A Mother's Rant: The search for a new winter outfit

So Tristan is unfortunately outgrown his sweet and cuddly bear outfit, so this weekend we went out to buy a new one. We went EVERYWHERE, from consignment stores to sport stores, and short of buying a feather/down suit (to which Will is allergic to), it took us 3 entire shopping days of nothing to finally find one. My question as an obviously new parent, is this: Why would stores for babies carry clothing an entire season ahead??? Yes, for grown ups, fine, I'm not going to grow another 3 inches any time soon, or double my weight in a few months, but how is anyone, especially a new parent, supposed to be able to accurately estimate how big their child will grow over one season, so that they can buy the proper outdoorwear? This is nothing but an evil ploy by the manufactureres of all things baby.

Luckily, stores like The Bay and Sears (and Kiddy Town, where we got his booties) still carry winter suits, so after hours of walking, headaches with DUMB people who ride elevators when they are neither disabled nor have infants in strollers, we were triumphant, and left with an adorable, fitting outfit, a sweet matching hat (because Tristan likes to make sure he matches!), and Robeez booties (a must for every winter outfit with booties that don't fit a big-footed baby)... so in thanks for reading my rant (and hopefully picking up on my angst of shopping), here is the baby of the year:

I can still take a punch

Or a kick... to the stomach! Hurrah for me :-)
Okay, for those (many of you) who are out of the loop, I've finally gone back to Karate (at Stronger You) and yesterday's class we put on our sparring gear, and the questions jumped into my head "Can I still handle getting hit?" And more importantly "Can I hit back without hurting someone or making them laugh at my weakness???" And to my very pleasant suprise, first, I still have ab muscles, second, they are fully functional (no pain getting a nice solid kick to the gut!) and most importantly, I neither hurt my partner, nor left them on the floor laughing.
A very, very satisfying Monday afternoon overall...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Giggles and rolls...

Some of the best videos ever!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Will, Marcy and Tristan :-)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Busy little bees...

It's been quite a busy week for all of us! Seems like we had a little bit of everything, and a lot of exercise...
First, we finally put together Tristan's high chair, so that he could use it before he used the ones at his grandparents. It came in handy later on in the week when we had our friends Stephanie & Tim over for dinner - Tristan sat in his chair for a good part of our meal and looked like such a grown up little boy! Marcy loves that he looks tiny in the chair, as he doesn't look tiny in much!

On Thursday, Marcy and Tristan had a day out with Aunt Kate & cousin Mary, starting with their weekly 'Movies for Mommies' date, only this week they also went to a baby-friendly fitness class (by the way, Marcy's muscles... so missed exercising. They let her know about it for days afterwards!) Of course, dressing appropriately was a must... Marcy thinks this is Tristan's 'Balboa' outfit (can't call it his 'Rocky' outfit because that would confuse our poor dog too much!)

On Friday we had another swimming class that I'm pretty sure Tristan really enjoyed (except for the part when he accidentally put his face in the water. He didn't cry, but didn't look happy about it...) He even "chased" a ball into the corner during 'free time'.

Afterwards we went with cousin Mary and her parents to the Sportsplex to do some shopping at an Expo and pick up a few outfits we needed for Tristan (he's wearing sizes anywhere from 6mo to 18 mo!)
Later in the afternoon we (all 6 of us) went to a ball class... it's a good thing mommy and daddy were too busy exercising to take pictures, otherwise they would have been quite embarrassed... Tristan had quite a few giggles over the whole thing, so we guess that's what counts, right?
Then we parted ways with the Lee's and rushed back to the Sportsplex to watch daddy play hockey (Tristan's first live game!)... or at least half of it, when Tristan had to have his bum changed and him & Marcy ended up back at the Expo shopping (in her defense, there was no ramp upto the rest of the Sportsplex where she had been planning on walking around with Tristan in his stroller...)

On Saturday we had our weekly family brunch at the abuelos' home (even though the abuelos were vacationing in Montreal) with Mary, her parents, and Aunt Fanny. After brunch we hung out for a bit (babies napped), and then went out to the chilly front yard for some sledding. We only stayed out for a bit (Tristan and Mary still don't understand why they get strapped down to these funky blue things and have their parents giggle and run around in front of them, but they're sure we mean well...) and then came in to warm ourselves with some hot chocolate (well, the grown ups, anyway)

We headed back home afterwards and had an impromptu pizza and a movie with Mary (who snoozed away) and her parents... busy, but fun week!
Hope everyone's well!
Will, Marcy and Tristan
ps - Happy Anniversary to Aunty Samantha and Uncle Roel! :-)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Splishing and splashing around...

So we've got good news, and we've got bad news...

Good news: Tristan will never have any problems going to pool parties when he's older...
Bad news: Tristan might have some problems leaving pool parties!

Ladies and gentlemen, our little boy is a merman (or is it merbaby? I don't know...) :-)

We finally had our first swimming class on Friday, and with his swimming diaper and super-incredibly plush bathrobe, we were ready!

Here's mommy's perspective:

Tristan had a ball! He didn't splash around in the pool as he does in the bathtub at home, but it was mostly from all the bright lights and the very colourful yellow slide (a few years until he uses it, but it's still nice to look at!) He was so comfortable in the water, I was quite impressed (but not surprised, since I was known as a little mermaid back in my days of swimming classes!) While most of the other kids clung to their moms looking uncertain, my wonderful little boy popped his bum out, spread his arms and glided like a bird in the water while I walked around the pool with him. When he wasn't smiling at me, he was staring at all the lights in the ceiling, catching glimpses of his daddy (as usual, with a camera) and the other babies (who knew there was so many people his height in this world? And all in a giant bath tub! Weird...) It was great to see Tristan's buddy Nathan, usually when he sees him he's sleeping, so this was a welcome change! For me, it was not only a great experience, but it was so wonderful to do this not only with my sister Kate and niece Mary, but with my dear friend Kristi, and Nathan. It was one of those moments where I thought "this is why having babies at the same time rocks!" Can't wait for next Friday...

Here's daddy's perspective:

I got quite a kick out of watching Tristan float around the pool with his Mommy. He seemed to have a blast but was a little distracted by all the lights. I tried most of the class to get some good pictures of him but in such a large place with the reflections off the water our little digital camera with it's built in flash was outmatched and most of the shots came out grainy and blurry or to dark to make much out. I managed a couple of good videos with the camcorder but we haven't edited them yet...

On a daddy side note:

We've now learned that Tristan does indeed dislike having his mittens on when his toys are around for him to play with. Last Thursday while mommy was driving home from visiting grandparents I got to witness him freeing one of his hands from those knitted restrictive devices with the aid of his Arch and a blanket. Afterwards, he removed the other with more vigor using his now freed hand. I think this might be a lead as to why his mittens keep ending up on the floor of the van.

Love to all,
Marcy, Will and Tristan :-)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The joys of teeth...

So now that Tristan got his first two teeth, I was sure all would be back to normal... and this is why I'm an amateur parent... I assumed there would be a normal (all of you experienced parents, go ahead and snicker...)

Tristan's favourite new thing is to try out his teeth on anything (and I mean ANY thing...) so word to the wise: even though babies are so adorable chewing on your finger and they don't have that much jaw strength anyway, once they sprout teeth, please make sure that the knuckle of said finger is not in direct contact with the teeth. No matter how tiny and sweet they can look, these teeth are DEADLY!!! Me however, still think they're cute :-)

Here's Tristan chewing on something more suited (although he doesn't like it nearly as much) for his new chompers... he gets so happy he gets just a teeny, tiny bit drooly!

Hope everyone's well, and I hope we get some snow soon! (green January is way too scary!!!)

Lots of love,

Marcy, Will and Tristan :-)

ps - Tristan's swimming classes start Friday!!! We are super excited (especially because he'll be taking the classes with his cousin Mary and 'cousin' Nathan!) and can't wait to post pictures!

Catching up...

So who won the World Juniors??? CANADA! And why?!?!? Other than talent, because of these two gorgeous little good luck charms:

Friday, January 5, 2007

Check out these chompers...

Thanks uncle Ryan for taking the awesome pictures! (and he agreed, it is hard!)

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Bouncy, bouncy boy!

Hi Everyone!
We're dipping our toes further in this blogging thing... so here it is, our first video!
Tristan LOVES his bouncy door jumper - especially when his bug plays "twinkle, twinkle" and mommy or daddy sing along to the music - it really winds him up!
So we hope you enjoy!

Marcy, Will & Tristan :-)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Ah, the New Year...

This is a little late, but we had to recover from all the Christmas and New Year parties (aka - catch up on sleep!)

So we had a very good New Year - Tristan got his second tooth on the 1st of January! Way to start the year :-) I'll post a picture of his no longer toothless smile as soon as I can get a clear shot - it's hard to see his teeth since his tongue is still feeling them out and getting used to them (where did those strange pointy things come from???)
Here we are a few minutes after midnight... there's really nothing better in the world than starting the new year being family...

Yesterday we saw Tristan's doctor for his 4 month visit and I had a miserable time, mostly because Tristan started to cry when Dr. Liddle was checking him out (most likely because she had cold hands!) and he was tired (the appointment was really early in the day) and he cried the whole time - the only good thing is that he was so upset anyway, he didn't even notice when the nurse gave him his shots (another reason why I was miserable...) but he had a good feed after that and went to sleep shortly thereafter...

Today we had a relatively quiet day, had a visit from a friend and old neighbour, then spent the evening with Tristan's abuelita Marcela, abuelito Pablo and bisabuelita Fanny, showing off his brand new chompers!

On a final note, we all want to wish a VERY happy birthday to Tristan's grandpa Doug (40 again?) and his uncles Justin (today) and Jason (tomorrow) out in BC :-)

Love to all,
Marcy, Will & Tristan :-)