Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Mother's Rant: The search for a new winter outfit

So Tristan is unfortunately outgrown his sweet and cuddly bear outfit, so this weekend we went out to buy a new one. We went EVERYWHERE, from consignment stores to sport stores, and short of buying a feather/down suit (to which Will is allergic to), it took us 3 entire shopping days of nothing to finally find one. My question as an obviously new parent, is this: Why would stores for babies carry clothing an entire season ahead??? Yes, for grown ups, fine, I'm not going to grow another 3 inches any time soon, or double my weight in a few months, but how is anyone, especially a new parent, supposed to be able to accurately estimate how big their child will grow over one season, so that they can buy the proper outdoorwear? This is nothing but an evil ploy by the manufactureres of all things baby.

Luckily, stores like The Bay and Sears (and Kiddy Town, where we got his booties) still carry winter suits, so after hours of walking, headaches with DUMB people who ride elevators when they are neither disabled nor have infants in strollers, we were triumphant, and left with an adorable, fitting outfit, a sweet matching hat (because Tristan likes to make sure he matches!), and Robeez booties (a must for every winter outfit with booties that don't fit a big-footed baby)... so in thanks for reading my rant (and hopefully picking up on my angst of shopping), here is the baby of the year:

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