Wednesday, February 21, 2007


We promised an update by today, and technically, there are still 2 hours left... we've been busy! Sorry! So we're giving all a quick update...

1 - Tristan's 3rd tooth has arrived! On Monday, mommy was able to feel a teeny tiny chomper touching the surface of her nail... daddy felt nothing, as he's got apparently very little feeling left in his fingers :-)
By yesterday, we could both feel his upper right tooth... yippee!! Nothing so far with the left one, but Tristan's been back to his giggly, happy old self since the weekend, so we're all VERY happy :)

2 - Tristan's 6 months old now!!! It's amazing how fast time has gone. Spring's around the corner (and we're looking forward to no more snow suits!) and Tristan's getting so big, he'll be asking to borrow the car before you know it.

3 - Speaking of growing, Tristan has started solids! We started with rice cereal, and as a small health-conscious rant, I cannot believe how many baby cereals are full of unnecessary things, like SUGAR and skim milk. Unbelievable...
So we've decided to use Beech Nut, who does not add sugar or milk :-) We'll be making his other food, but we might use them for their jar-food from time to time...
We'll provide the full scoop on feeding later (bedtime's here!)

4 - Tristan and mommy attended a class for baby sign language, and mommy got to learn some fun songs to sign and sing! We're hoping to get into a more lengthy program later in the spring...
The first hour of the class it was the moms (there were no dads there) with the facilitator, while the babies were 'minded' in not just another room, but a whole entire floor! It was so hard to leave my sweet baby boy with a complete stranger! I was taken by surprise, but I had every ounce of confidence that Tristan would be the happy, flirty boy that he is. Besides, I gave the lady who took him a quick look-over, and I could take her, no problem. It just would have sucked not to be welcomed back...

There's a giggling boy in our bedroom waiting for his nighttime feed, so I'll close with the promise of more video and pictures soon (hopefully tomorrow!)

Good night!
Marcy, Will & Tristan

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Okay, so we're a little late... but Will & I have been sick with a yucky head cold since Tuesday (grumble) so we celebrated tonight with a delicious dinner (prepared by Will) and a super yummy and messy dessert (prepared by moi) :-)
I should say I did not mind THAT much being sick, and that's only because our beautiful Tristan did not. Nothing in this world makes me feel like more of a super hero than to know that my breastmilk is acting as a shield to bugs that we catch! Yey breast milk :-)

I also have learned, in my almost 6 months as a parent, that no matter how crummy you feel, and how stuffy your head is, one thing in this planet will lift your spirits and make you feel like a million bucks than your baby giggling away at silly things, so to share my new favourite cold medicine (although I actually think it can cure just about anything), here's our boy:

On other news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RYAN! Our boy is an entire 35 years old today, and we're sending our love and happy cake wishes (and no wise cracks)

Stay tuned for a special posting on Wednesday - Tristan will be 6 months old on Tuesday and we've got big plans :-)

Love to all,
Marcy, Will and Tristan

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Family Day Swimming

For the first time I had the opportunity to take Tristan to swimming class instead of Marcy last week because of it being the "Family day" swim class. I had a blast with Tristan and it seemed like we never stopped giggling. I actually had his attention for most of the class (which is new) and had him in awe when I blew bubbles in the water.

I just happened to be the only Dad to participate which was a little disappointing but like always I just tried to do my own thing. The only real complaint was that the instructor wanted us to stick to her lesson plan instead of mine. This might explain why the game of follow the leader was slightly derailed and getting in and out of the pool took a little longer than she might have liked.

Of course the instructor had to know that we were a couple of "bad boys" that don't like playing by the rules with Tristan's Mohawk hairstyle. (styled by myself) Even though the picture doesn't quite do it justice in person it was menacing.

Marcy and I have been battling a major head cold for the last few days. (although Marcy says she's starting to feel better) It must be a real mean one for Marcy to have caught it because she never gets sick. So far Tristan has been unaffected except that he's been coughing a little. There's another swim class tomorrow but that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well.
Will, Marcy and Tristan

Friday, February 9, 2007

The boy can roll!

So this posting's a little late, but Tristan has finally conquered his cloth diaper and has rolled from his back to his tummy!
So Wednesday night while daddy was gone to play hockey, I put Tristan in his crib to watch his crib bird-toy/mobile/music thing while I grabbed a quick snack, and afterwards because he looked so calm and half sleepy, I decided not to take him out just in case he fell asleep on his own. When the music stopped he decided to roll over to get closer to his toy, and after a few rolls where he'd stop half way, he rolled right onto his tummy!
The funny thing was that his arm was right underneath his tummy, and he couldn't quite figure out how to pull it out so he just did one-handed push ups while looking around :-)
Hope everyone's well!
Marcy, Will & Tristan

Monday, February 5, 2007

Didn't we just go through teething???

So Tristan's teething pretty badly again... was fussy last night (even though his team won the superbowl!) and has been pretty grumpy tonight since 6:30ish... why don't my mommy super powers make me take on the miserableness? He gets the most heartbreaking pout right before he cries, and he scrunches up his eyes shut, and looks adorable and makes me cry at the same time...

That's got me so mentally involved that I almost forgot to mention. I'm pretty sure Tristan made his first sign! He woke up at about 3am (unusual for him now, a sign of his itchy mouth) and I thought he may have signed 'milk' on my finger. Then when he woke up in the real morning (9ish) I made the sign while asking him if he wanted milk, and he stared at my hands intently, and signed back! Yippee :-)

Anyway, hope everyone's evening is better than ours...

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Final Score: Sens 3, Capitals 2, Tristan 1

One being the number of live NHL games attended that is!
Tristan's Grandpa Doug got us some awesome complimentary tickets, so Tuesday night we headed out to the Scotiabank Place to watch Tristan's first Sens game - but not before dropping by on Grandpa Doug and Aunt Tricia to say hello (and pick up the tickets) ... Tristan was super excited obviously...
It was a great two first periods, and Tristan really enjoyed them (and wasn't even bothered by the train horn when we scored!), and there were moments when we were all in the edge of our seats, and some chewed on fingernails, while some chewed on a toy...

In between periods we even got to meet Sparta Cat! It was Armed Forces appreciation night, and when all the kids were lining up to get an autograph (yup, we got one too!) I saw a family of 3 young ones who's dad is currently in Afghanistan and I almost started to cry at the thought of what their mother must be going through keeping the family going strong. My heart goes out to those with families separated by this mess we're stuck in now more than ever. I don't know how we'd ever make it if we weren't together; Will's my rock, and it'd be impossibly hard to be a family with him away... sorry, moving back to happier updates...

The third period was not that exciting though, so a note to the Sens, if you keep the heat coming, your fans won't be falling asleep at the game!

We had a busy day today hunting down exersaucers for Tristan and Mary to keep at the Abuelos' home, and were successful, but after driving to the East end of the city twice, we're all in need of a big day off!

Happy February everyone!
Marcy, Will and Tristan