Wednesday, February 21, 2007


We promised an update by today, and technically, there are still 2 hours left... we've been busy! Sorry! So we're giving all a quick update...

1 - Tristan's 3rd tooth has arrived! On Monday, mommy was able to feel a teeny tiny chomper touching the surface of her nail... daddy felt nothing, as he's got apparently very little feeling left in his fingers :-)
By yesterday, we could both feel his upper right tooth... yippee!! Nothing so far with the left one, but Tristan's been back to his giggly, happy old self since the weekend, so we're all VERY happy :)

2 - Tristan's 6 months old now!!! It's amazing how fast time has gone. Spring's around the corner (and we're looking forward to no more snow suits!) and Tristan's getting so big, he'll be asking to borrow the car before you know it.

3 - Speaking of growing, Tristan has started solids! We started with rice cereal, and as a small health-conscious rant, I cannot believe how many baby cereals are full of unnecessary things, like SUGAR and skim milk. Unbelievable...
So we've decided to use Beech Nut, who does not add sugar or milk :-) We'll be making his other food, but we might use them for their jar-food from time to time...
We'll provide the full scoop on feeding later (bedtime's here!)

4 - Tristan and mommy attended a class for baby sign language, and mommy got to learn some fun songs to sign and sing! We're hoping to get into a more lengthy program later in the spring...
The first hour of the class it was the moms (there were no dads there) with the facilitator, while the babies were 'minded' in not just another room, but a whole entire floor! It was so hard to leave my sweet baby boy with a complete stranger! I was taken by surprise, but I had every ounce of confidence that Tristan would be the happy, flirty boy that he is. Besides, I gave the lady who took him a quick look-over, and I could take her, no problem. It just would have sucked not to be welcomed back...

There's a giggling boy in our bedroom waiting for his nighttime feed, so I'll close with the promise of more video and pictures soon (hopefully tomorrow!)

Good night!
Marcy, Will & Tristan

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