Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Okay, so we're a little late... but Will & I have been sick with a yucky head cold since Tuesday (grumble) so we celebrated tonight with a delicious dinner (prepared by Will) and a super yummy and messy dessert (prepared by moi) :-)
I should say I did not mind THAT much being sick, and that's only because our beautiful Tristan did not. Nothing in this world makes me feel like more of a super hero than to know that my breastmilk is acting as a shield to bugs that we catch! Yey breast milk :-)

I also have learned, in my almost 6 months as a parent, that no matter how crummy you feel, and how stuffy your head is, one thing in this planet will lift your spirits and make you feel like a million bucks than your baby giggling away at silly things, so to share my new favourite cold medicine (although I actually think it can cure just about anything), here's our boy:

On other news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RYAN! Our boy is an entire 35 years old today, and we're sending our love and happy cake wishes (and no wise cracks)

Stay tuned for a special posting on Wednesday - Tristan will be 6 months old on Tuesday and we've got big plans :-)

Love to all,
Marcy, Will and Tristan

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