Friday, February 9, 2007

The boy can roll!

So this posting's a little late, but Tristan has finally conquered his cloth diaper and has rolled from his back to his tummy!
So Wednesday night while daddy was gone to play hockey, I put Tristan in his crib to watch his crib bird-toy/mobile/music thing while I grabbed a quick snack, and afterwards because he looked so calm and half sleepy, I decided not to take him out just in case he fell asleep on his own. When the music stopped he decided to roll over to get closer to his toy, and after a few rolls where he'd stop half way, he rolled right onto his tummy!
The funny thing was that his arm was right underneath his tummy, and he couldn't quite figure out how to pull it out so he just did one-handed push ups while looking around :-)
Hope everyone's well!
Marcy, Will & Tristan

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