Monday, February 5, 2007

Didn't we just go through teething???

So Tristan's teething pretty badly again... was fussy last night (even though his team won the superbowl!) and has been pretty grumpy tonight since 6:30ish... why don't my mommy super powers make me take on the miserableness? He gets the most heartbreaking pout right before he cries, and he scrunches up his eyes shut, and looks adorable and makes me cry at the same time...

That's got me so mentally involved that I almost forgot to mention. I'm pretty sure Tristan made his first sign! He woke up at about 3am (unusual for him now, a sign of his itchy mouth) and I thought he may have signed 'milk' on my finger. Then when he woke up in the real morning (9ish) I made the sign while asking him if he wanted milk, and he stared at my hands intently, and signed back! Yippee :-)

Anyway, hope everyone's evening is better than ours...

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