Friday, May 4, 2007

Weekly update...

So it seems that Fridays are somehow the days we get a chance to blog... so here's a catch up.
First above anything else, Tristan and I are completely alone this weekend - and by completely alone I mean with the 3 dogs and my parents whom I'll be sharing many meals with, and my sister and my niece whom we'll be helping fundraise money for her walk and hopefully Aunty Samantha will have time for us to visit for a bit - but other than that, completely isolated. Okay, so my sad lament is due to Will being twice lucky and getting to go to New Jersey for the Sens game tomorrow night... I say twice because he got to go with his dad to see the one on Wednesday night... but I'm not jealous one bit (although I have to say, Tristan is a much cuter fan in his jersey and that if anyone with connections to the Sens read this, I think he'd make a great asset to the game and we will consider accepting any playoff tickets...) so we'll see how the weekend goes...
So to catch everyone up on our little cutey, here are things we've learned this week:
1) With crawling baby, it's much harder to fold diapers with him in the room - he likes to help, but can't understand why pulling diapers out of the laundry bin doesn't help... and diapers are somehow way more fun than any toy!2) Some people move a lot in their sleep... including our little boy... so as cute as he looks: becomes a little difficult to sleep when he takes over your side of the bed! Especially when you just can't make yourself move them (did you see how cute he looked???) Luckily, I didn't need anymore sleep - it was already 8am that Saturday already (and who needs to sleep in on the weekends?!)Oh, for anyone worried about the whole baby not sleeping on his back - Tristan's been sleeping on his tummy for months now - he learned to roll over in his sleep and likes it that way, so it's okay!
3) Personal hygiene is very important (okay, that's not something we learned this week, but Tristan likes to help now with his teeth brushing, and looks so cute doing it!) 4) Turtles are yummy (fake, fuzzy ones... the real ones deserve to live!) and mommy has a lot of them! Tristan found Crush last night (Squirt's dad - from 'Finding Nemo'...) and really took a liking to him! Wasn't too interested in Squirt, I think because Crush was much bigger :-)

That's all for now... we missed our strollercize walk this morning - Tristan and I woke up early to say goodbye to daddy and being up that early got him tired a little earlier than he's used to, so we decided that taking a nap was much better than getting him dressed and out the door... so we're hoping to go to our ball exercise class instead!
Lots of love,
Marcy, Will & Tristan

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