Friday, April 27, 2007

Oy, a week's passed already...

We've been bad and not updated in a week, but in our defense, we've been quite busy chasing after a CRAWLING baby! That's right, he's crawling! Just getting the hang of it, so he looks quite cute while doing it... and still likes to crawl backwards first... of course, me being sentimental and thinking about my friend's baby Skyler who likes to crawl to her mommy, I was silly and hoped that he'd crawl straight for me the minute I left his side ... I forgot that we have three much more fascinating things:
1) We have dogs. And sometimes, they like to lay down and sleep... within crawling range
2) Those same dogs have bones... and Watson who's trying to show what good faith he has in Tristan, likes to drop his bones within Tristan's reach...
3) The crib has springs for the side rail (to bring it down)
Oh well...
So quick catch up...
Tristan's teething seems to be coming to an end! He's got a 5th tooth out (and the 6th any day now) - the top left centre one (so that's how many left now???) so he's back to being his happy-go-lucky self again in the evenings (never really changed during the day this time around, so it is getting easier! Yipee!!!) Here are some shots of things he liked to chew on, especially in the evenings when he was really, really itchy...

My pj pants string (while I'm still wearing them!) and my body pillow (it was within grasp)...
So this weekend we visited with Tristan's grandparents pretty much all weekend since the Abuelos are still out of town (but coming home soon!) and his Aunt Tricia surprised us with an incredibly cute (yet very, very tough) outfit... he got to wear it with no jacket or sweater since it was such a wonderfully warm weekend! We reached 20 degrees!!! He also got to show off his sandals that Aunt Kate bought for him (before he was even born) as it was definately sandal weather :-) I think these are my favourite Robeez... And some pictures of him crawling in his room...
"...two hundred and nine... two hundred and ten... hey, new number for how many push-ups I can do mommy!"
Shoulder push-ups! Okay, he's actually moving his feet to try to get up, but can't get the balance with his arms still glued to the floor...
Smile for mommy!
Since he's a pretty good walker he gets it mixed up with crawling, so he'll walk with his feet but try to crawl with his hands (how his brain pieces everything out little by little is just amazing!)
Okay, and to finish the picture show today, I have to say that Tristan sometimes lifts his one arm up and tries to sit from the all-fours position, but is pretty big & heavy, he can't quite get the balance yet, so instead he shows off his incredible strength by balancing on the one arm and turning his body sideways (he's got most of us at the dojo beat!) and sometimes crosses his legs infront of him to balance better... when I went to take this picture, he was originally on all fours, but heard me sneaking up on him, and not only did he turn sideways and cross his legs, but he actually grabbed onto his little thigh to stabilize himself... does he not look just like a perfect little model???
I could just eat him up! Happy Friday everyone!
Marcy, Will & Tristan

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