Thursday, April 12, 2007

Catching up on adventures...

So Tristan's still crawling backwards, and picking up speed... it's so cute! He'll get on all fours now and rock back and forth, and he reminds me of those little cars that you run their wheels backwards to get the speed going, put them down and they zoom off... we're just waiting and watching for when he takes off (for now, he mostly just rocks, and sometimes pushes with his back legs and face-plants when he doesn't move his hands!)
We've tried to get it on video, but the other dogs (ahem, Copper!) like to get in the way of the camera sometimes, so when you watch this, keep that in mind (and that Tristan will someday look back at this and hopefully feel joy over watching his puppies hang out with him)...

The eating's also going very well... he's a very efficient eater (sit down, eat, be done) and doesn't often get too messy (although now I've jinxed everything) as he loves eating and doesn't like to waste the yummy food by wearing it... that being said, his mommy does not have the best of aims, and sometimes she puts a spoonful in when she thinks he's opening his mouth to eat when it's actually to sneeze (whoops!) We're learning!

As for new food, he's not a fan of peas when I've made them, but I'm a work in progress... he doesn't mind them when they're from a jar (thanks to his Abuelita and Abuelito for supplying them!) and likes to try to help with the feeding!

I have to admit, me being a person who truly dislikes being dirty, I thought I'd have a hard tme letting him get messy without trying to teach him (ridiculously early) how to do things properly and cleanly... but I haven't! I love to just give him his spoon and dish when he's done eating so he can 'lick the spoon clean'... and we have a fun time cleaning him up afterwards "Mommy makes all these funny noises while she tickles me with a towel and tries to eat my hands with it too!" He's not only brought out my inner child (which wasn't hidden too deeply) but created my inner messy child (mud puddles here we go!)

He loves his butternut squash (yey!) and apples, and we're going to try chicken again this week (Will & I ate about a gazillion bowls of chicken soup when I slightly - 2 large stock pots - made too much soup for Tristan's food) so we're hoping to have a better go at it so we can get meats incorporated in his meals!

A new thing that Tristan's been doing is discovering how to make noises using his nose. Ever since he had that yucky case of the sniffles (aka - the week mommy & daddy poked and prodded at my nose and drove me crazy!) he learned he can breathe with his mouth and make these funny 'hhhh' sounds (like his buddy Nathan) and today he's started sniffing (like his puppies!) and while he does he scrunches up his face in the most adorable manner... I'm just happy that he made human noises before dog noises! You might have to have the volume relatively loud for these videos, as he’s got a little nose, therefore the noises are still pretty quiet (but you can see his cute face scrunching up!)

And to wrap things up, just a few cute pictures (ps - download here)...

(above) Tristan looking very much like a little boy in his overalls (sniff sniff!)

(above) "Mommy this toy is so yummy!"

(above) "Okay, so the wood coloured bits go up to the top, and then I can eat them... right?"

(above) We're not sure if Rocky's asking for a bath (it's been a while) or if he's trying to tell us he's a baby too!

So if April showers bring May flowers, what do April snowfalls bring???

Marcy, Will & Tristan

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