Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thank goodness it's FRIDAY!!!

My goodness, we're EXHAUSTED!
Where did the week go?
I meant to update the blog yesterday, but something was funky with Blogger, so I couldn't upload any pictures when I had time, and where's the fun in that???
So catching up on 3 days worth of activities... it's gonna be a long one!
Wednesday evening I sat Tristan in his crib while I folded his diapers, and low and behold, he reached over to the side rail, and lifted himself up to a perfect kneel! Time to lift the side rail while he's in there!!!
You can't help but laugh because he makes the cutest faces ever when he's up!
This is his "Are you sure I can't bite this mom??? Because so far, I've no problem doing it!" look, which is followed by...
"You lookin' at me???"... actually he's just sniffing... but still so cute!Here's him sticking his tongue out for his latest words "NANANANANANA" Lets out a teensy tiny bit of drool while he does that (actually, he's just drooling all over the place period. But it comes out faster this way...)
Speaking of drooling, Tristan's been teething again for about a week (we're so excited because we now consider ourselves Advanced students of the 'when is your baby teething' course. We figured out he was teething pretty much on the day! Not at the instructor level yet, but I think when these puppies pop, we'll be graduating to the next level)
We're not sure which teeth are coming (the two bottom outside the centre ones are supposed to be next) since it looks like we might have two more on top and on the bottom! We see little white points on top, and the gums on the bottom look almost transparent...
We're happy that this time around it's already so much easier... much less bothersome to Tristan than the first 4 (although even the second two took less time and bothered him less), although we're still going through the Camilia (herbal remedy) and Tempra (apparently now is the time to invest in their stock until Tristan's teeth are all in) regularly in the evening... we'll keep you posted!
Wednesday we went to our weekly sing & sign (language) class, and Tristan wore an outfit he got for Christmas (with a sweet little vest)... he's looking so grown up! Anyone has any tips on how to stop them from growing???? ANYONE???
And then yesterday we had a full schedule - we had our weekly "Baby Time" at the library (where we sing songs, hear a story, and do a bit of sign language) and Tristan and I had our first walk there (daddy needed the car), so I put him in the stroller & away we went! The weather was gorgeous, incredibly sunny with a cool breeze (so Tristan wore his jacket and had a blanket covering the stroller) It was a good half hour walk, so I enjoyed some quiet time and exercise (since we've either been too busy in the evenings for me to make it to Karate, or Tristan's been clingy - the only side effect from teething I don't mind!) Tristan missed most of his morning nap before library time, so he enjoyed a nice nap on the way back....
When we got back home from the library we had to finish getting the house ready for our play date! We were hosting the weekly mommy group, and Tristan's friends (and moms) were coming over to watch Happy Feet... I think it turned out pretty well! We had plenty of munchies (I was bad at Bulk Barn...) and most of the mommy group showed up, which of course, good company is always the best part...

AND then today we decided to go to our first Strollercize class (the weather was too gorgeous not to spend it outside!)
It was going to be very warm, and VERY sunny, so we looked through (all of the two) caps this morning to see what Tristan should cover his noggin with...
This one's still a little big... and if you can't read what it says, it says "I didn't do it"... unfortunately I think that hat will finally fit when he can actually say that... eek!
This one fits nicely (snug, but not small yet)... he looks so sweet in baseball caps! Just like his daddy :-) (but sweeter...)
We stopped by Boomerang kids (a consignment store) to buy another hat (just in case he outgrows this one) and some baby sunglasses (he didn't like the bright sun!) and I was bad (again) and bought some more outfits... (and maybe some toys)... in my defense, he has no shorts (and it's supposed to be about 20 degrees tomorrow!) and well... I should not be allowed to enter children's stores without monetary supervision!
Have a great weekend everybody!
Marcy, Will & Tristan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss tons my little grandson. He is the most handsome baby boy in the whole entire universe.
Abuela (la favorita!!)