Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Oliver visit

We had our second set of visitors last weekend (our first visit, was from Marcy's parents, sisters AND May-ee - which was the highlight for Tristan... for pictures on that visit you'll have to see her blog as we did not have a camera yet)...

Will's parents (Poppa and Gamma) came up for a quick visit on the way home from the Oliver family reunion in Toronto (to which we had said we'd be unable to attend since we had no idea what Will's work schedule would be like! Boo!) and we had a great time having dinner at Lonestar and having a walk by the water in downtown Kingston...

Here we are at Lonestar... Will has just done something that could be considered cruel and unusual punishment... he offered Tristan some ice cream (and even though it never actually touched his lips... well, you can see how much he embraced the idea...)

"Hey guys! Guess how many fingers I can cram in my mouth?!?!?"
Giving smooches to Gamma... awwww! What a cutie!
Poppa is now part of the society of "them who put Tristan's lego tractor back together"... with Tristan playing close attention
Cuddles with Poppa!
Walking downtown Tristan saw one of his favourite street things... a motorcycle (well, only a Vespa in this case)... he couldn't understand why Mama told him that this one didn't go "vroom vroom", but "meep meep, miiiuuum" instead! Someday he'll understand I'm sure!

Some shots of the beautiful fountain at Confederation park
Playing with my camera...
Throwing pennies into the fountain:-)
Doing laps around the fountain, I was able to use my big zoom lens (I can't remember specifics... but it's big!) to get this cool shot of Tristan simply enjoying himself!
He spots me... "Mamma!"
Good night!
Will, Marcy and Tristan :-)

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