Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What ever happened?

To sweet looking Haley Joel Osmond?
Did he see far too many dead people that he decided he belonged in the 70's????
Geez louise gimme a pair of scissors! That hair cut belongs on cute little munchkins and old dudes still stuck in the 70's... that being said - that's the length I'm aiming for with Tristan (he's got such lovely locks!)... but not the style. Sorry. I don't think anybody should look like they've been attacked by a hair drier on one spot on their head (in Haley's case - his top right corner). Get this boy/man a new stylist, pronto!
btw... it's been a LONG evening... The terrible two's have really kicked in. Who would've thought that a TODDLER would have a set of lungs strong enough to alert an entire restaurant that HE was not ready to have a diaper change and most importantly, that HE would not have HIS BOOK taken way (who cares if there were several glasses at risk of being knocked over?????) Holy CRAPPOLA we're in for a FUN year. And I thought they'd started early at 18months!!! That wasn't even a preview! Oh man.
Needless to say, I'm in Ottawa. T and I were supposed to drive to Ktown tonight) but I was way too overtired. And stressed. And for the first time in a very long time, in dire need of a glass of wine (thank you C. for giving me a sip of yours! What a cruel game to play!)
So you're all welcome to this posting... after 3 glasses (for a woman who rarely drinks due to still breastfeeeding!) this is what really bugged me. Hayle's hair style..

G'night all y'all.


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